New York, NY. 10018
January 2016
The fashion community and the world are resilient, constantly rebuilding in the face of whatever adverse conditions or dramatic setbacks they face. In the wake of the devastation of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, also known as the storm of the century, which killed some 43 people and plunged New York City into darkness with its record-breaking storm surge, causing billions of dollars in damages, we came back. Bonding together, we pulled ourselves up from the rubble, with first President Obama declaring an official state of emergency, and then Mayor Bloomberg finally declaring that the storm of the century had passed. Many have different memories of that fateful night as they were forced to pick up the scattered pieces and rebuild.
Only 2 weeks later, on November 14th, horror struck again. Such was the case at the fashion studios of designer Amir Amor of the prestigious luxury brand, Amir Amor Collection, and the urban apparel brand, Hoodywear. The sheer force of the most severe storm on the Eastern Coast, Hurricane Sandy, devastated both. The category 3 hurricane ravished New York and New Jersey with brute force, record-breaking winds, and flooding. Despite suffering some water damage and structural leaks facilities, were soon on schedule to reopen after the freakish wrath of Mother Nature. Remnants from previous unreleased collections were stocked and ready to be released when another catastrophe stuck, this time in the form of a brutal break-in and robbery. Some 8-10 unknown assailants broke in, robbing, looting, and vandalizing the facilities. The incident culminated with a vicious attack on Scorpeo, award-winning designer, co-owner, and businessman, who happened to be on the premises. Believed to be result of a hate-crime or simple looting, the vicious incident caused such trauma to the designer and his associates that they had to be hospitalized. Damages and estimated loss of merchandise totaled some $50,000, along with another $20,000 in preproduction merchandise, fabrics and 24 upcoming collections valued at some 6 million dollars in proprietary and intellectual property.
All of their high-end fabrics and equipment, including fashion collections, sewing machines, computer equipment, flat screens monitors, as well as other production equipment, were stolen.
Flash forward to November 15
The worst, most horrific event in France in the last ten years occurred, leaving 143 people dead and hundreds wounded by terrorists.
Silenced for the past 3 years, Amir Amor Collection is now set to return to providing elegant and stylish fashions for today's women of discerning taste and style. And in the wake of the most recent devastation to what is arguably the fashion capital of the world. Scorpeo plans for the next Amir Amor Collection to be a tribute to the strength of the world, rebuilding in the face of loss, rebuilding in the face of adversity, with dreams of visiting and showing his latest fashion-forward works of fabric art and
woven units in Paris, despite the climate of recent events. This Pray for Paris collection is meant to inspire and bring solace when there is none, all while helping those families in their time of need.
Destined to return, Amir Amor promises to release his greatest collection to date, but he needs your help. In wake of the devastating events taking place in Paris and the great loss of life, Amir Amor has vowed not to be intimidated and discouraged. He and his message will press forward, press onward. Do not stray, for what you know is right in the face of danger, adversity and great loss. Known to friends and fashionistas alike, Scorpeo has vowed to release his new Amir Amor Collection and donate a portion of every sale from his Pray for Paris Collection to those unfortunate families in France, as well as help rebuild the fashion house of Amor to show latest fashion collection at New York Fashion Week, Atlanta Fashion Week and in Paris, France.
From the creative genius and award-winning style icon behind Amir Amor Collection comes the latest, most glamorous collection. Shop for your custom luxury designed gown at AmirAmor.World
Be sure to Like Amir Amor Collectionne on social media www.
Set to debut during NY Fashion Week and Paris Spring/Summer 2017.
For interviews, press inquiries, or to make a custom order, call 646-660-2568