Life belongs to Dreamers
Here's your big chance to Break into the Glam Beauty • Fashion and Entertainment Industries.
Pursue your dream career, subsidize your income and more. Business Owners • Vendors • Sponsors • Job Seekers Welcome • Next Event Sat April 15th 2-5pm at an exclusive fab location. Reserve Your Space
Come connect celebrate and network to a new exciting career or just simply to explore extra income opportunities. Bring your resume comp cards or samples of your work. Come connect and celebrate with chill drinks in a relaxed glam atmosphere high above the city of Gotham. Applicants must be 21 & up to attend this event • Attire suggested is casual to professsional NY chic welcome.
Space is Limited for the largest event of the season.
Interested businesses sponsors call 646-660-2568
*Job seekers, vendors, guest hosts >>> RSVP Here
Thanks and Keep reaching for the Stars!
AMIR AMOR WORLD: Only Name for Glamour
Photo: Courtesy of Attractions